La lettera di Steve Ballmer con l'ultimatum a Yahoo

L'amministratore delegato di Microsoft dà tre settimane di tempo al consiglio direttivo della rivale per accettare la sua offerta. Se non lo farà, si rivolgerà agli azionisti.

[ZEUS News - - 07-04-2008]

April 5, 2008

Board of Directors
Yahoo! Inc.
701 First Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089

Dear Members of the Board:

It has now been more than two months since we made our proposal to acquire Yahoo! at a 62 percent premium to its closing price on January 31, 2008, the day prior to our announcement. Our goal in making such a generous offer was to create the basis for a speedy and ultimately friendly transaction. Despite this, the pace of the last two months has been anything but speedy.

While there has been some limited interaction between management of our two companies, there has been no meaningful negotiation to conclude an agreement. We understand that you have been meeting to consider and assess your alternatives, including alternative transactions with others in the industry, but we've seen no indication that you have authorized Yahoo! management to negotiate with Microsoft.

This is despite the fact that our proposal is the only alternative put forward that offers your shareholders full and fair value for their shares, gives every shareholder a vote on the future of the company, and enhances choice for content creators, advertisers, and consumers.

During these two months of inactivity, the Internet has continued to march on, while the public equity markets and overall economic conditions have weakened considerably, both in general and for other Internet-focused companies in particular. At the same time, public indicators suggest that Yahoo!'s search and page view shares have declined. Finally, you have adopted new plans at the company that have made any change of control more costly.

By any fair measure, the large premium we offered in January is even more significant today. We believe that the majority of your shareholders share this assessment, even after reviewing your public disclosures relating to your future prospects.

Given these developments, we believe now is the time for our respective companies to authorize teams to sit down and negotiate a definitive agreement on a combination of our companies that will deliver superior value to our respective shareholders, creating a more efficient and competitive company that will provide greater value and service to our customers.

If we have not concluded an agreement within the next three weeks, we will be compelled to take our case directly to your shareholders, including the initiation of a proxy contest to elect an alternative slate of directors for the Yahoo! board. The substantial premium reflected in our initial proposal anticipated a friendly transaction with you. If we are forced to take an offer directly to your shareholders, that action will have an undesirable impact on the value of your company from our perspective which will be reflected in the terms of our proposal.

It is unfortunate that by choosing not to enter into substantive negotiations with us, you have failed to give due consideration to a transaction that has tremendous benefits for Yahoo!'s shareholders and employees. We think it is critically important not to let this window of opportunity pass.


Steven A. Ballmer
Chief Executive Office
Microsoft Corp.

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Sempre per l serie delle offerte che non è possibile rifiutare pur facendo le debite proporzioni l'offerta M$ ricorda da vicino quella che interessa l'acquisizione dell'Alitalia. Se il mercato fosse veramente così depresso e le azioni di Yahoo! così in declino per motivi diversi dall'incertezza su come si concluderà l'OPA, possibile che... Leggi tutto
7-4-2008 20:06

Da un punto di vista meramente di mercato e da spettatore sarei curioso di assistere a una OPA ostile lanciata sul si svelerebbero realmente i giochi e le potenzialità di tutti gli eventuali giocatori interessati.
7-4-2008 15:07

La liberta' di parola e' un diritto inviolabile, ma nei forum di Zeus News vige un regolamento che impone delle restrizioni e che l'utente e' tenuto a rispettare. I moderatori si riservano il diritto di cancellare o modificare i commenti inseriti dagli utenti, senza dover fornire giustificazione alcuna. Gli utenti non registrati al forum inoltre sono sottoposti a moderazione preventiva. La responsabilita' dei commenti ricade esclusivamente sui rispettivi autori. I principali consigli: rimani sempre in argomento; evita commenti offensivi, volgari, violenti o che inneggiano all'illegalita'; non inserire dati personali, link inutili o spam in generale.
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Sì. Non ho praticamente più bisogno di portarmi dietro la fotocamera perché quella dello smartphone è più che sufficiente per le mie esigenze nella maggior parte delle occasioni.
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No. Non posso fare a meno di portarmi dietro la fotocamera compatta, che per le mie esigenze non può affatto essere sostituita da uno smartphone.

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